Longhorn PHP Keynote - Changing Your Story

November 4, 2022

Longhorn PHP Keynote - Changing Your Story cover image


We all have stories we tell ourselves, about who we are, and what we do, and we believe those stories are static. Stories like "I'm not good at backend", "I can't dance", or "I can’t figure out Vue". When we can recognize those stories, we can also recognize that we are the authors, and we can change our own stories. I had my own stories of "I can’t be a developer because I’m not technical or good enough at math", "I'm not graceful", and "I can’t do handstands, because I’m not an athlete". In this talk, I will share the framework I created to help with the process. Also, I will encourage people to rethink their personal stories and reimagine their capabilities not only as developers but also as humans with what I learned about changing my stories.


Longhorn PHP is a tech conference brought to you by members of the PHP community in Austin and beyond. Longhorn PHP is a community-run, regionally focused conference.

I had the opportunity to be a keynote speaker and talk about Changing Your Story. Check out the the reviews on joind.in for my talk!

See a similar version of this talk that I did for the Things Worth Learning podcast also titled Changing Your story here!